A Tale of Becoming
I've always loved the story of The Secret Garden. It reveals the magic of nature and how growing things can inspire us to grow into new, beautiful creatures. I have always been captivated by the idea of a secret place- a sanctuary long forgotten that I could escape to and make alive. As a child I often ran into the woods to make forts or canoed down the creek behind our house to explore quiet places and observe the natural world around me.
When I become an adult, got married, and had three kids in 4 years, any whimsy about solitude or quiet became a distant memory. What's more, seven years in the floral industry did me no good when I simply could not take care of one more thing and thus, my home became devoid of green plants. Finally, one wintery day in Illinois, I broke down and decided I'd have to find a way to have green in my house even if it meant (gasp) using some fake plants. Prior to my discovery of fusing certain synthetic plants with natural mosses and other elements from the earth, I always pictured big, dusty, fabric leaves or blooms in gaudy colors when I thought of fake plants. But once I realized I could create the illusion of living plants by using the right combination of materials, I couldn't stop making Bits of Earth.
In a very real way, Bit of Earth is my magic garden. When I build them, I escape into the little world of the landscape- focused intently on making every angle, every small plant, look and feel as real and inviting as possible. I don't consider a piece to be complete until I stand back as say "Aw, now I don't want to sell it. I just want to keep it, it's so pretty." But of course, selling my plants was never the initial goal.
It was my dear husband's idea to turn my creative obsession into a business. He came home one day to yet another new plant and a massive "craftermath" and said "Ok, I think you need to sell some of these before you make anymore because it's getting a little crowded in the house." To my utter delight, other people loved my little gardens, too. Now, I'm happy to offer these Bits of Earth to a wider audience through my online store. I sincerely hope you enjoy your own secret garden- the best plant you never have to take care of- nature captured forever at the peak of perfection.
Lord Craven to Mary Lennox, The Secret Garden